Ver la Versión Completa : Todos los links de la Wikipedia pasan a ser “no follow”

22-01-2007, 16:17:31
Para evitar el correo basura:
All Wikipedia Links Are Now NOFOLLOW

January 21st, 2007 by

I blogged about the Wikipedia Issues with SPAM and the discussions about the use of NOFOLLOW for ALL external Links from Wikipedia. It was done (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard#Globalwarming_awareness2007.2FSEO_world_championship_--_expect_a_spam_onslaught.), finally.
As of now are all outbound links from the english Wikipedia Site using the NOFOLLOW attribute, no exceptions.
No matter where you place it, Article Page, Talk Page, User Page, Project Page, whatever. No Link will get any credit at the major search engines.
This will not eliminate SPAM at Wikipedia, but it will over time certainly reduce it a bit. Especially the spam of invisible pages that have virtually no traffic but at least some PageRank is now virtually a waste of time for any spammer.

Enlace (http://www.searchenginejournal.com/?p=4288)

Un Saludo.