Ver la Versión Completa : Eliminar con SQLupdate

19-05-2003, 05:24:32
Hola Amigos, estoy tratando de eliminar un registro de una tabla Paradox a través del SQLupdate.execSQL pero me da un error el BDE diciendo update failed, alguien me puede dar una mano?

19-05-2003, 08:00:10
Como no muestras el código es dificil saber por donde viene el error, pero mira esta ayuda al respecto:

Specifies the SQL DELETE statement to use when applying a cached deletion of a record.

property DeleteSQL: TStrings;


Set DeleteSQL to the SQL DELETE statement to use when applying a deletion to a record. Statements can be parameterized queries. To create a DELETE statement at design time, use the UpdateSQL editor to create statements, such as:

DELETE FROM "Country.db"

WHERE Name = :OLD_Name

At run time, an application can write a statement directly to this property to set or change the DELETE statement.

Note: As the example illustrates, DeleteSQL supports an extension to normal parameter binding. To retrieve the value of a field as it exists prior to application of cached updates, the field name with ‘OLD_’. This is especially useful when doing field comparisons in the WHERE clause of the statement.

Un Saludo.