Ver la Versión Completa : encabezado y pie de página en qreport

28-04-2004, 09:51:32
Hola , como puedo hacer, para que aparezca el encabezado y el título sólo en la 1ª página y el pié de página en la última.

28-04-2004, 10:19:40
Sacado de la ayuda de Delphi

type TQRBandType = (rbTitle, rbPageHeader, rbDetail, rbPageFooter, rbSummary, rbGroupHeader, rbGroupFooter, rbSubDetail, rbColumnHeader, rbOverlay, rbChild)

property BandType : TQRBandType

Applies to

TQRCustomBand, TQRSubDetail, TQRBand, TQRChildBand, TQRGroup


BandType is used to identify the role of a band in the report. Some band types are reserved for special components and should not be used.

BandType Description
rbTitle ----> Printed on the first page of the report after the page header
rbPageHeader ----> Printed on top of each page. Printing on the first page can be switched off with the Options property
rbDetail ----> Printed once for every record/row in the connected dataset
rbPageFooter ----> Printed at the bottom of each page. Printing on the last page can be switched off with the Options property
rbSummary ----> Printed after all detail bands and potential group footers at the end of the report.
rbSubDetail ----> Reserved for use by the TQRSubDetail component. Do not set this band type manually
rbColumnHeader ----> Printed a the top of each column on every page in a multi column report. Printed once after the page header in a single column report
rbGroupFooter ----> Footer band for TQRGroup or TQRSubDetail components. Printed when the group breaks or all detail bands have been printed for the TQRSubDetail
rbGroupHeader ----> Header band for TQRGroup or TQRSubDetail components. Printed before any detail bands for a given group or TQRSubDetail
rbOverlay ----> Included for backwards compatibility with QuickReport version 1. Do not use this band type
rbChild ----> Reserved for use by the TQRChildBand component. Do not set this band type manually

Como la de pie de pagina siempre se imprime, puedes controlar su impresión de la siguiente manera:

En el BeforePrint del Report inicializas la propiedad Enabled a false de la banda rbPageFooter .
Pones una banda rbSummary (diminuta, que no contenga nada) que sólo se imprime al final de los detalles y, en el BeforePrint de la bada pones la propiedad Enabled a true de la banda rbPageFooter.

Con esto controlas que sólo se imprima en la última página

Espero te sirva