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analia1979 03-08-2007 15:42:45

Castalia para delphi 7
hola a todos.
Me podrian decir donde puedo descargar castalia para delphi 7, tenia una version trial, pero ya expiro el tiempo.
Si alguien lo tiene me lo puede pasar o decirme de que pagina lo puedo bajar.
Busque en google pero no he encontrado mucho..
Saludos a todos:)

jhonny 03-08-2007 15:48:05

Bueno, pues si ya expiro la licencia del que tenias instalado, deberas comprarlo.

BlueSteel 03-08-2007 16:40:36

disculpen mi ignorancia.. pero que es el Castalia

jhonny 03-08-2007 17:28:31


Empezado por BlueSteel (Mensaje 220025)
disculpen mi ignorancia.. pero que es el Castalia

Supongo que en esta pagina encontraras respuesta a esas dudas ;)

jhonny 03-08-2007 17:38:44

Nunca he usado ese producto, pero por lo que veo en esa pagina me parece que si quiciera colocarlo en el D2007 es muy costoso, ya que el D2007 hace muchas de las cosas que hace Castalia y para las que no, deben haber alternativas gratuitas .

Para los demas Delphis del 7 para abajo, tendria que evaluar el costo beneficio (Teniendo en cuenta de nuevo las alternativas gratuitas).

chemalee 19-03-2009 09:51:16

Castalia para delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006 y 2008
Quizas sea demaciado tarde pero aqui esta esta liga para que la bajes:

/*No es permitido*/

Despues de que hayas instalado el castalia, te indicara que es trial, no importa esto se soluciona copiando el archivo: castalia.v2008.2.for.delphi.7-patch-cs137.exe en la ruta C:\Archivos de programa\Castalia, que es la ruta en donde se cargo castalia

Casimiro Notevi 19-03-2009 10:43:38

Parece que no hay problema por su licencia, depende de lo que se quiera hacer:

Licensing Overview

The TwoDesk Component Library is available under two distinct licenses, each based on principles of fair exchange, or quid pro quo ("something for something"). From a licensing point of view, we have two different component library products, although they technically have the same source code. Which one you use will depend on your usage and distribution:
Commercial License

The commercial license allows you to provide commercial software to your customers or to distribute software that uses the TwoDesk Component Library within your organization. This license frees you from the restrictions of the GPL. In a nutshell, if you do not want to comply with the GNU General Public License (GPL), you will need to purchase a commercial license. For more information on the commercial license, click here. For pricing information, click here.
Open Source License

If you are developing open source applications, this license allows you to distribute your software under an open source/free software license to all those who wish to use, modify, and distribute it freely. This license allows you to use the component library at no charge, as long as your software and its complete source code is available and freely distributable according to the terms of the GPL. We base our interpretation of the GPL on the Free Software Foundation's Frequently Asked Questions. For more information on the TwoDesk Component Suite Open Source License, click here.

General Licensing Guidelines

If your software is licensed under either the GPL-compatible Free Software License as defined by the Free Software Foundation or approved by OSI, then you should use our open source license.

If you distribute a proprietary application in any way, and you are not licensing and distributing your source code under the GPL, you need to purchase a commercial license.

If you are unsure, we recommend that you buy our cost-effective commercial licenses. That is the safest solution. Licensing questions can be submitted online for our advice, and we encourage you to refer to the Free Software Foundation or a lawyer as appropriate.

Commercially licensed customers are free from the requirement of making their own application open source.

For OEM's, ISVs, corporate, and government users, a commercial license is the proper solution because it releases you from the strict requirements of the GPL license.

You can test the component suite under the GPL license and inspect the source code before you purchase a commercial non-GPL license.

analia1979 19-03-2009 13:00:57

Castalia para delphi 7
Muchas gracias, nunca es tarde para nada..

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