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Antiguo 18-05-2007
Avatar de poliburro
[poliburro] poliburro is offline
Miembro Premium
Registrado: ago 2004
Ubicación: México D.F
Posts: 3.068
Reputación: 24
poliburro Va por buen camino
Veo por las news, que codegear no tomó muy bien el asunto


April 04, 2007
  • Delphi 2007 Enterprise Trial has been released. Download here.
March 29, 2007
  • Delphi 7 Second Edition removed by request of the BSA.
March 28, 2007
  • New builds of D2007Tweaks and TurboTweaks, in which the option to remove license checks has been removed to comply with CodeGear demands.
    D2007Tweaks v1.01
    TurboTweaks v1.17
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