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Antiguo 20-08-2007
farmond farmond is offline
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Ubicación: Niterói - RJ - Brasil
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farmond Va por buen camino
'Couldn't perform the edit because another user changed the record

Para mi es mucho dificil escribir en espanol - let's try in english...

Here is part of the delphi code
qryProtocolo.FieldByName('userAlt').AsString := Usuario;
qryProtocolo.FieldByName('DataHoraAlt').AsDateTime := AgoraBD;
qryProtocolo.Post; - here is the error
qryProtocolo.ParamByName('prot_codigo').AsString := BuscaProt;
qryProtocolo.Locate('prot_codigo', BuscaProt, [loCaseInsensitive]);

All other queries runs OK, there's no request live queries opened during edit method, there's no decimal fields.

I've tried the following tips, unsuccessfully:

1. SET NOCCOUNT OFF on MS-SQL - this parameter is default on MS-SQL;
2. Use of decimal fields - BDE has a limitation of 15 decimal points - no decimal fields on the tables;
3. Use of timestamp fields - BDE and Windows different size for extended values of timestamp;
4. Change the dataset properties;

Using ADO connection I've got no error - but I'll spend about 3 motnhs to migrate all the code from BDE to ADO!
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