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Antiguo 28-11-2007
federicorl federicorl is offline
Registrado: may 2006
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federicorl Va por buen camino
ya vamos avanzando, falta que sea latinoamericano

ya estoy logrando algo con el notepad, gracias a ustedes amigos foristas

Procedure TFrm_Teclado.SendKeys(Keys: String);
manejador : THandle;
h: HWND;
h := FindWindow('Notepad', nil);
if h = 0 then ShowMessage('No se encontro la Aplicacion')
If Keys = 'Enter' then
PostKeyEx32(VK_RETURN, [], False)
Else If Keys = 'Mayus' then
PostKeyEx32(VK_CAPITAL, [], False)
Else If Keys = 'Tab' then
PostKeyEx32(VK_TAB, [], False)
Else If Keys = 'Back' then
PostKeyEx32(VK_BACK, [], False)
Else If Keys = 'Deci' then
PostKeyEx32(VK_DECIMAL, [], False)
Else If Keys = 'Guion' then
PostKeyEx32(VK_SUBTRACT, [], False)
Else If Keys = 'Ñ' then
PostKeyEx32(164, [], False)
PostKeyEx32(Ord(elcorrecto(Keys)), [], False); // simulamos la presión de la tecla Enviada

ya envia los teclazos pulsados al notepad pero con el problema de que no he podido enviar ni la eñe ni la coma en el codigo anterior intente hasta enviar el ascii pero no funciono

este codigo lo encontre en otros hilos del foro y es el que estoy usando:

procedure TFrm_Teclado.PostKeyEx32(key: Word; const shift: TShiftState; specialkey: Boolean);
* Procedure PostKeyEx32
* Parameters:
* key : virtual keycode of the key to send. For printable
* keys this is simply the ANSI code (Ord(character)).
* shift : state of the modifier keys. This is a set, so you
* can set several of these keys (shift, control, alt,
* mouse buttons) in tandem. The TShiftState type is
* declared in the Classes Unit.
* specialkey: normally this should be False. Set it to True to
* specify a key on the numeric keypad, for example.
* Description:
* Uses keybd_event to manufacture a series of key events matching
* the passed parameters. The events go to the control with focus.
* Note that for characters key is always the upper-case version of
* the character. Sending without any modifier keys will result in
* a lower-case character, sending it with [ssShift] will result
* in an upper-case character!
*Created: 17.7.98 by P. Below
TShiftKeyInfo = Record
shift: Byte;
vkey : Byte;
byteset = Set of 0..7;
shiftkeys: Array [1..3] of TShiftKeyInfo =
((shift: Ord(ssCtrl); vkey: VK_CONTROL ),
(shift: Ord(ssShift); vkey: VK_SHIFT ),
(shift: Ord(ssAlt); vkey: VK_MENU ));
flag: DWORD;
bShift: ByteSet absolute shift;
i: Integer;
For i := 1 To 3 Do Begin
If shiftkeys[i].shift In bShift Then
keybd_event( shiftkeys[i].vkey, MapVirtualKey(shiftkeys[i].vkey, 0), 0, 0);
End; { For }
If specialkey Then
flag := 0;
keybd_event( key, MapvirtualKey( key, 0 ), flag, 0 );
flag := flag or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
keybd_event( key, MapvirtualKey( key, 0 ), flag, 0 );
For i := 3 DownTo 1 Do Begin
If shiftkeys[i].shift In bShift Then
keybd_event( shiftkeys[i].vkey, MapVirtualKey(shiftkeys[i].vkey, 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
End; { For }
End; { PostKeyEx32 }

alguna idea de como poder mandar la coma, la Ñ y demas caracteres de teclado latinoamericano?
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