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Antiguo 01-03-2018
Avatar de Neftali [Germán.Estévez]
Neftali [Germán.Estévez] Neftali [Germán.Estévez] is offline
Registrado: jul 2004
Ubicación: Barcelona - Espańa
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Neftali [Germán.Estévez] Es un diamante en brutoNeftali [Germán.Estévez] Es un diamante en brutoNeftali [Germán.Estévez] Es un diamante en bruto
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Existe la libreria rest dataware componentes , con lo que puedes lograr tu proposito facimente (sourceforget)
żPuedes comentar algo de esta librería?
En SourceForge no hay descripción.

Me contesto yo mismo. He encontrado esto:

The proposal was fulfilled.
REST DW was created to facilitate the creation of CRUDs in the same model that we created applications for Client / Server Database.
Today to be able to write data in a Bank via WebService is very complex for simple operations, making scheduling of simple screens time-consuming.
With REST DW, you no longer have to worry about creating SQL Insertion, Deletion, Read and Execution methods via Webservice; Simply add a RESTDataBase connection component and add a RESTClientSQL component that will already have your SQL solution fully functional as it did back in the day and with all the power of modern REST / JSON technology with data compression and everything the language can offer,
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Germán Estévez => Web/Blog
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P.D: Más tiempo dedicado a la pregunta=Mejores respuestas.
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