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Antiguo 29-03-2023
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[duilioisola] duilioisola is offline
Miembro Premium
Registrado: ago 2007
Ubicación: Barcelona, España
Posts: 1.739
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duilioisola Es un diamante en brutoduilioisola Es un diamante en brutoduilioisola Es un diamante en bruto
oh continuo: en este fron tengo un botton que al presionarlo deberia abrir otro from donde me muestra una pantalla de busqueda ect. y alli tengo problema ya que me da access violation.
¿En qué punto exactamente?
Pon tu código real para poder ver qué estás haciendo.
Un "Access Violation" suele ser una llamada a un objeto que no está creado. Seguramente estás liberanto antes de tiempo un objeto o lo estás utilizando antes de crearlo.

y alli finalemente se me tranco el juego ahora tambien nunca pude colocar
Lo mismo de antes... pon tu código real ya que caFree es un tipo definido en los formularios en la unidad Forms.

Código Delphi [-]
procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
  Action := caFree;

De la ayuda de Delphi 6:

Occurs when the form closes.

TCloseAction = (caNone, caHide, caFree, caMinimize);

TCloseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction) of object;

property OnClose: TCloseEvent;


Use OnClose to perform special processing when the form closes. The OnClose event specifies which event handler to call when a form is about to close. The handler specified by OnClose might, for example, test to make sure all fields in a data-entry form have valid contents before allowing the form to close.

A form is closed by the Close method or when the user chooses Close from the form's system menu.

The TCloseEvent type points to a method that handles the closing of a form. The value of the Action parameter determines if the form actually closes. These are the possible values of Action:

Value Meaning

caNone The form is not allowed to close, so nothing happens.
caHide The form is not closed, but just hidden. Your application can still access a hidden form.
caFree The form is closed and all allocated memory for the form is freed.
caMinimize The form is minimized, rather than closed. This is the default action for MDI child forms.

If a form is an MDI child form, and its BorderIcons property is biMinimize, then the default Action is caMinimize. If a MDI child form does not have these settings, the default Action is caNone, meaning that nothing happens when the user attempts to close the form.

If a form is an SDI child form, Action defaults to caHide.

To close the form and free it in an OnClose event, set Action to caFree.

Note: When the application shuts down, the main form receives an OnClose event, but any child forms do not receive the OnClose event.
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