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Antiguo 27-07-2004
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[Lepe] Lepe is offline
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Lepe Va por buen camino
quia rápida de Firebird Aquí explica que se necesita instalar en windows en cada distribucion de windows y linux, en el equipo Cliente y en el servidor.

parte de este archivo dice:
Performing a client-only install
Each remote client machine needs to have the client library— on Posix clients, gds32.dll on Windows
clients—that matches the release version of the Firebird server.
Firebird versions from 1.5 onward require an additional client library named or fb32.dll which contains
the full library. In these newer distributions, the “gds” named files are distributed to maintain compatibility
with third-party products which need these files. Internally, the libraries will “jump” to the correct access
points in the renamed libraries.
Some extra pieces are also needed for the client-only install.
Yo no tengo mucha idea sobre el tema, pero ahí queda eso, espero que te pueda servir.

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