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Antiguo 20-01-2014
Mav Mav is offline
Registrado: jun 2007
Posts: 39
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Mav Va por buen camino

....Delphi2007...en\\source\ GIFImg.pas y por lo tanto tambien en \\lib\GIFImg.dcu....
lo que se "une" a tu ejecutable: No hay animación.:
Código Delphi [-]
//                      Global variables
// GIF Clipboard format identifier for use by LoadFromClipboardFormat and
// SaveToClipboardFormat.
// Set in Initialization section.
  CF_GIF: WORD = 0;

//                      Library defaults
  //: Default options for TGIFImage.Draw
  GIFImageDefaultTransparent: boolean = True;
  GIFImageDefaultAnimate: boolean = False;//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< True =animado, False = no animado
  GIFImageDefaultAnimationLoop: TGIFAnimationLoop = glEnabled;
  GIFImageDefaultDithering: TGIFDithering = gdDisabled;
...en DelphiXE5:
Código Delphi [-]
     /                      Global variables
// GIF Clipboard format identifier for use by LoadFromClipboardFormat and
// SaveToClipboardFormat.
// Set in Initialization section.
  CF_GIF: WORD = 0;

//                      Library defaults
  //: Default options for TGIFImage.Draw
  GIFImageDefaultTransparent: boolean = True;
  GIFImageDefaultAnimate: boolean = False;//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  GIFImageDefaultAnimationLoop: TGIFAnimationLoop = glEnabled;
  GIFImageDefaultDithering: TGIFDithering = gdDisabled;

  //: Default color reduction methods for bitmap import.
  // These are the slowest settings, but also the ones that gives the
  // best result (in most cases).
  GIFImageDefaultColorReduction: TColorReduction = rmQuantize;
  GIFImageDefaultColorReductionBits: integer = 8; // Range 3 - 8
  GIFImageDefaultDitherMode: TDitherMode = dmFloydSteinberg;
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