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Antiguo 03-08-2007
tal0 tal0 is offline
Registrado: ago 2007
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tal0 Va por buen camino

Una de las caracteristicas del ExpressPivotGrid, es el Drill Down, o sea que se te puede abrir un grid nuevo cuando das un click en una celda del primer grid.
En la web de devespress la informacion es muy minima, solo hay un dibujo y un trozo de codigo. Lo pruebo pero el delphi no reconoce TFrmDrillDown
Pego aqui el codigo y la explicacion a ver si alguien me puede ayudar...

The ExpressPivotGrid is designed to build summarized reports so that end-users can easily and quickly analyze large quantities of data. Features like filtering, top value display, hierarchical value arrangement on the axes, grand and group totals give you a wide range of tools to control the data's level of detail. The drill down capabilities available to you and your end-users within the suite allows you to easily analyze records that were used to calculate a specific summary.
Just a single line of code is required to obtain the TcxCustomDataSource object that maintains drill down data. You can use this object's methods to collect values for any row and column. Once you have obtained the desired values, you can visualize drill down data in any control you wish. And if you own any other Developer Express visual container control such as the ExpressQuantumGrid, you would simply supply the TcxCustomDataSource object to the control.
For example, the following code allows you to display drill down data within the ExpressQuantumGrid when you double-click within a cell. Note that the following code assumes that a popup form with a grid placed upon it already exists and the grid's main view is populated with the appropriate columns.

procedure TForm1.cxDBPivotGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
ACrossCell: TcxPivotGridCrossCell;
AForm: TFrmDrillDown;
ADataSource: TcxCustomDataSource;
with cxDBPivotGrid1.HitTest do
if HitAtDataCell then
ACrossCell := (HitObject as TcxPivotGridDataCellViewInfo).CrossCell;
AForm := TFrmDrillDown.Create(nil);
ADataSource := ACrossCell.CreateDrillDownDataSource;
AForm.TableView.DataController.CustomDataSource := ADataSource;

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