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Antiguo 20-05-2012
H8RS H8RS is offline
Registrado: may 2012
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H8RS Va por buen camino
Exclamation Error Delphi [Expected ';' but '.' found.]

Pues hize un programa en delphi y a la hora de depurarlo me da este error:
Código Delphi [-]
Expected ';' but '.' found.

y me manda a esta linea:
Código Delphi [-]
Memo1: N.A.;

si la borro, me manda a esta:
Código Delphi [-]
SaveMan: N.A.;

y si borro las dos me da error el codigo.

Este es el código completo de la aplicación(Es un autoclick):

Código Delphi [-]
unit Unit1;


                                     unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics,
  Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls
    WinTitle: TStaticText;
    Reset: TSpeedButton;
    WinX: TStaticText;
    WinY: TStaticText;
    Memo1: N:A;
    IntervalTrack: TTrackBar;
    ClickInterval: TStaticText;
    Timer1: TTimer;
    SaveMan: N:A;
    procedure IntervalTrackChange(Sender : TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender : TObject);
    procedure ResetClick(Sender : TObject);
    procedure Timer1Timer(Sender : TObject);
    procedure SaveManClick(Sender : TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
  end ;

  Form1: Form1;

{This file is generated by DeDe Ver 3.50.02 Copyright (c) 1999-2002 DaFixer}


{$R *.DFM}

procedure Form1.IntervalTrackChange(Sender : TObject);
0042F078   55                     push    ebp
0042F079   8BEC                   mov     ebp, esp
0042F07B   6A00                   push    $00
0042F07D   53                     push    ebx
0042F07E   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax
0042F080   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F082   55                     push    ebp

* Possible String Reference to: 'éä@ýÿëð[Y]ËÀ¡lC'
0042F083   68DBF04200             push    $0042F0DB

***** TRY
0042F088   64FF30                 push    dword ptr fs:[eax]
0042F08B   648920                 mov     fs:[eax], esp
0042F08E   8D55FC                 lea     edx, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to control Form1.IntervalTrack : TTrackBar
0042F091   8B83F0010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F0]

* Reference to field TTrackBar.Position : Integer
0042F097   8B8030010000           mov     eax, [eax+$0130]

* Reference to: Unit_00405A80.Proc_004067C4
0042F09D   E82277FDFF             call    004067C4
0042F0A2   8B55FC                 mov     edx, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to control Form1.ClickInterval : TStaticText
0042F0A5   8B83F4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F4]

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F0AB   E8D0A2FEFF             call    00419380

* Reference to control Form1.IntervalTrack : TTrackBar
0042F0B0   8B83F0010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F0]

* Reference to field TTrackBar.Position : Integer
0042F0B6   8B8030010000           mov     eax, [eax+$0130]

* Reference to control Form1.Timer1 : TTimer
0042F0BC   8B93F8010000           mov     edx, [ebx+$01F8]

* Reference to field TTimer.Tag : Longint
0042F0C2   89420C                 mov     [edx+$0C], eax
0042F0C5   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F0C7   5A                     pop     edx
0042F0C8   59                     pop     ecx
0042F0C9   59                     pop     ecx
0042F0CA   648910                 mov     fs:[eax], edx

****** FINALLY

* Possible String Reference to: '[Y]ËÀ¡lC'
0042F0CD   68E2F04200             push    $0042F0E2
0042F0D2   8D45FC                 lea     eax, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to: System.Proc_00403720
0042F0D5   E84646FDFF             call    00403720
0042F0DA   C3                     ret

* Reference to: System.Proc_004031C4
0042F0DB   E9E440FDFF             jmp     004031C4
0042F0E0   EBF0                   jmp     0042F0D2

****** END
0042F0E2   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F0E3   59                     pop     ecx
0042F0E4   5D                     pop     ebp
0042F0E5   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.FormCreate(Sender : TObject);

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F0E8   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F0ED   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to Form1
0042F0EF   8B1558174300           mov     edx, [$00431758]

* Reference to field TApplication.OFFS_00C0
0042F0F5   8990C0000000           mov     [eax+$00C0], edx

* Reference to field TApplication.OnDeactivate : TNotifyEvent
0042F0FB   C780BC000000C8EE4200   mov     dword ptr [eax+$00BC], $0042EEC8
0042F105   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.ResetClick(Sender : TObject);
0042F108   53                     push    ebx
0042F109   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax

* Reference to control Form1.Reset : TSpeedButton
0042F10B   8B83E0010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E0]

* Reference to field TSpeedButton.Down : Boolean
0042F111   80B8C000000000         cmp     byte ptr [eax+$00C0], $00
0042F118   743C                   jz      0042F156
0042F11A   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F11C   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F122   E859A2FEFF             call    00419380

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F127   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]
0042F12D   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F12F   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx

* Reference to control Form1.WinX : TStaticText
0042F132   8B83E4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E4]
0042F138   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F13A   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx
0042F13D   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F13F   E83CA2FEFF             call    00419380

* Reference to control Form1.WinY : TStaticText
0042F144   8B83E8010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E8]
0042F14A   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F14C   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx
0042F14F   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_00419380()
0042F151   E82AA2FEFF             call    00419380
0042F156   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F157   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.Timer1Timer(Sender : TObject);
0042F158   53                     push    ebx
0042F159   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F15B   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F161   83780C00               cmp     dword ptr [eax+$0C], +$00
0042F165   0F84C2000000           jz      0042F22D

* Reference to control Form1.Timer1 : TTimer
0042F16B   8B83F8010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F8]
0042F171   FF400C                 inc     dword ptr [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F174   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Color : TColor
0042F17A   81785400FFFF00         cmp     dword ptr [eax+$54], $00FFFF00
0042F181   740A                   jz      0042F18D
0042F183   BA00FFFF00             mov     edx, $00FFFF00

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_004194A8()
0042F188   E81BA3FEFF             call    004194A8

* Reference to control Form1.Timer1 : TTimer
0042F18D   8B83F8010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01F8]

* Reference to field TTimer.Tag : Longint
0042F193   8B500C                 mov     edx, [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.IntervalTrack : TTrackBar
0042F196   8B8BF0010000           mov     ecx, [ebx+$01F0]
0042F19C   3B9130010000           cmp     edx, [ecx+$0130]
0042F1A2   0F8C85000000           jl      0042F22D
0042F1A8   33D2                   xor     edx, edx

* Reference to field TTimer.Tag : Longint
0042F1AA   89500C                 mov     [eax+$0C], edx

* Reference to control Form1.WinX : TStaticText
0042F1AD   8B83E4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E4]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1B3   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.WinY : TStaticText
0042F1B6   8B93E8010000           mov     edx, [ebx+$01E8]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1BC   8B520C                 mov     edx, [edx+$0C]
0042F1BF   C1E210                 shl     edx, $10
0042F1C2   03C2                   add     eax, edx
0042F1C4   50                     push    eax
0042F1C5   6A00                   push    $00
0042F1C7   6801020000             push    $00000201

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F1CC   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1D2   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]
0042F1D5   50                     push    eax

* Reference to: user32.SendMessageA()
0042F1D6   E87966FDFF             call    00405854
0042F1DB   85C0                   test    eax, eax
0042F1DD   7547                   jnz     0042F226
0042F1DF   6A01                   push    $01

* Reference to: kernel32.Sleep()
0042F1E1   E86661FDFF             call    0040534C

* Reference to control Form1.WinX : TStaticText
0042F1E6   8B83E4010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01E4]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1EC   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]

* Reference to control Form1.WinY : TStaticText
0042F1EF   8B93E8010000           mov     edx, [ebx+$01E8]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F1F5   8B520C                 mov     edx, [edx+$0C]
0042F1F8   C1E210                 shl     edx, $10
0042F1FB   03C2                   add     eax, edx
0042F1FD   50                     push    eax
0042F1FE   6A00                   push    $00
0042F200   6802020000             push    $00000202

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F205   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to field TStaticText.Tag : Longint
0042F20B   8B400C                 mov     eax, [eax+$0C]
0042F20E   50                     push    eax

* Reference to: user32.SendMessageA()
0042F20F   E84066FDFF             call    00405854
0042F214   BAFFFF0000             mov     edx, $0000FFFF

* Reference to control Form1.WinTitle : TStaticText
0042F219   8B83DC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01DC]

* Reference to : TImageList._PROC_004194A8()
0042F21F   E884A2FEFF             call    004194A8
0042F224   EB07                   jmp     0042F22D
0042F226   8BC3                   mov     eax, ebx

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00426C4C()
0042F228   E81F7AFFFF             call    00426C4C
0042F22D   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F22E   C3                     ret


procedure Form1.SaveManClick(Sender : TObject);
0042F230   55                     push    ebp
0042F231   8BEC                   mov     ebp, esp
0042F233   6A00                   push    $00
0042F235   6A00                   push    $00
0042F237   53                     push    ebx
0042F238   8BD8                   mov     ebx, eax
0042F23A   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F23C   55                     push    ebp

* Possible String Reference to: 'é!?ýÿëë[YY]Ã'
0042F23D   689EF24200             push    $0042F29E

***** TRY
0042F242   64FF30                 push    dword ptr fs:[eax]
0042F245   648920                 mov     fs:[eax], esp
0042F248   8D55F8                 lea     edx, [ebp-$08]

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F24B   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F250   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00428CD8()
0042F252   E8819AFFFF             call    00428CD8
0042F257   8B45F8                 mov     eax, [ebp-$08]
0042F25A   8D55FC                 lea     edx, [ebp-$04]

* Reference to: Unit_00405A80.Proc_0040695C
0042F25D   E8FA76FDFF             call    0040695C
0042F262   8D45FC                 lea     eax, [ebp-$04]

* Possible String Reference to: 'AutoClick_Manual.txt'
0042F265   BAB4F24200             mov     edx, $0042F2B4

* Reference to: System.Proc_004039A4
0042F26A   E83547FDFF             call    004039A4
0042F26F   8B55FC                 mov     edx, [ebp-$04]
0042F272   8B83EC010000           mov     eax, [ebx+$01EC]
0042F278   8B8030010000           mov     eax, [eax+$0130]
0042F27E   8B08                   mov     ecx, [eax]
0042F280   FF5164                 call    dword ptr [ecx+$64]
0042F283   33C0                   xor     eax, eax
0042F285   5A                     pop     edx
0042F286   59                     pop     ecx
0042F287   59                     pop     ecx
0042F288   648910                 mov     fs:[eax], edx

****** FINALLY

* Possible String Reference to: '[YY]Ã'
0042F28B   68A5F24200             push    $0042F2A5
0042F290   8D45F8                 lea     eax, [ebp-$08]
0042F293   BA02000000             mov     edx, $00000002

* Reference to: System.Proc_00403744
0042F298   E8A744FDFF             call    00403744
0042F29D   C3                     ret

* Reference to: System.Proc_004031C4
0042F29E   E9213FFDFF             jmp     004031C4
0042F2A3   EBEB                   jmp     0042F290

****** END
0042F2A5   5B                     pop     ebx
0042F2A6   59                     pop     ecx
0042F2A7   59                     pop     ecx
0042F2A8   5D                     pop     ebp
0042F2A9   C3                     ret


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Antiguo 20-05-2012
Avatar de Casimiro Notevi
Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
El error, en principio, está claro:
Código Delphi [-]
Memo1: N:A;
SaveMan: N:A;
¿Qué es N:A ?
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Antiguo 20-05-2012
Avatar de gatosoft
[gatosoft] gatosoft is offline
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gatosoft Va camino a la fama
Bueno, por lo que veo estás utilizando el programa "DeDe" que es un De-compilador de programas en Delphi... asi que no deberías decir: "hice un programa en Delphi"

Código Delphi [-]
{This file is generated by DeDe Ver 3.50.02 Copyright (c) 1999-2002 DaFixer}

Teniendo en cuenta esto, me adhiero al comentario de Casimiro, el error es claro y transparente... pues el tipo N.A. no existe..

Código Delphi [-]
Memo1: N:A;
SaveMan: N:A;

Deberían ser tipos como:

Código Delphi [-]
Memo1: TMemo;
SaveMan: TButton {o lat vez un TMenuItem};

Por alguna razón el decmpilador no los logra interpretar y te devuelve un "No Aplica"... Parte de decompilar o hacer ingeniería inversa está en completar las piezas del rompecabezas que hacen falta, no esperes que mágicamente todo te sea revelado....

un saludo,
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Antiguo 20-05-2012
Avatar de AzidRain
[AzidRain] AzidRain is offline
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AzidRain Va camino a la fama
Me adhiero, encima de usar un decompilador ni siquiera tiene idea de lo que le presenta, ya no digamos de la sintaxis correcta de Delphi. Ya muchos de los que sí programamos nos dimos cuenta del error generado. Y en efecto como dice gatosoft no esperes que todo se revele como magia y sobre todo sin tener la menor idea de en que te estás metiendo.
AKA "El animalito" ||Cordobés a mucha honra||
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Antiguo 20-05-2012
H8RS H8RS is offline
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H8RS Va por buen camino
Error Delphi Depuracion

Pues con DeDe el descompilador, descompile un programa para editarlo ya esta listo o eso creo y me da este error:
Código Delphi [-]
[Error] Autoclick.dpr(3): Declaration expected but identifier 'Autoclick' found

y me manda a esta linea:
Código Delphi [-]
Project Autoclick;

Y también esta este error:
Código Delphi [-]
[Warning] Autoclick.dpr(8): File not found: 'Proyect.RES'

Y me manda a esta linea:
Código Delphi [-]
{$R *.RES}

Este es todo el código:
Código Delphi [-]
{Este archivo fue creado por DeDe Ver 3.50.02 Copyright (c) 1999-2001 DaFixer}

Project Autoclick;

  Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {TAutoCLK};

{$R *.RES}

0042F41C   55                     push    ebp
0042F41D   8BEC                   mov     ebp, esp
0042F41F   83C4F4                 add     esp, -$0C
0042F422   B82CF34200             mov     eax, $0042F32C

* Reference to: SysInit.Proc_00405178
0042F427   E84C5DFDFF             call    00405178

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F42C   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F431   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00428850()
0042F433   E81894FFFF             call    00428850

* Reference to TAutoCLK instance
0042F438   8B0D3C0A4300           mov     ecx, [$00430A3C]

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F43E   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F443   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to class TAutoCLK
0042F445   8B15E0EC4200           mov     edx, [$0042ECE0]

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00428868()
0042F44B   E81894FFFF             call    00428868

* Reference to TApplication instance
0042F450   A16C0A4300             mov     eax, dword ptr [$00430A6C]
0042F455   8B00                   mov     eax, [eax]

* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_004288F4()
0042F457   E89894FFFF             call    004288F4

* Reference to: System.Proc_004035F0
0042F45C   E88F41FDFF             call    004035F0
0042F461   8D4000                 lea     eax, [eax+$00]
0042F464   0000                   add     [eax], al

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Antiguo 20-05-2012
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ecfisa ecfisa is offline
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ecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to behold
Hola H8RS.

Combíné tu último mensaje (que iniciaste como nuevo hilo) ya que es continuación de este.

Cuando un mensaje tenga conexión con un hilo que ya iniciaste por favor agregalo a ese hilo, no crees uno nuevo. De otro modo quién lo lee, no tiene idea de lo expuesto anteriormente.

Daniel Didriksen

Guía de estilo - Uso de las etiquetas - La otra guía de estilo ....
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