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Antiguo 29-10-2003
omy omy is offline
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omy Va por buen camino
Question objeto ole


tengo una bd y uno de sus campos es un campo ole, que contiene una fotos. como puedo hacer que mi formulario pueda ver la foto ?????????
stream, me mensiono un amigo, pero no me quedo claro como funciona.

omar velazquez
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Antiguo 30-10-2003
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marcoszorrilla marcoszorrilla is offline
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marcoszorrilla Va por buen camino
En un principio te podría servir con un DbImage, conectado al campo, pero todo depende de que tipo de base de datos utilices y como se haya almacenado la imagen.

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Antiguo 31-10-2003
omy omy is offline
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omy Va por buen camino
Gracias, de antemano.. la cuestion mas clara es.

es una bd en acces el campo se llama foto, y es de tipo ole.

¿Como puedo ver la foto?

En el dbimage, no encontre la forma.
omar velazquez
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Antiguo 31-10-2003
Descendents Descendents is offline
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Descendents Va por buen camino
Te da error o que te pasa con el dbimage?

Te lo digo porque a mi no me acuerdo que me paso hace tiempo, pero se que tuve problemas con dbimage.

Me parece, que el dbimage solo acepta BMPs y no GIFs ni JPGs i menos TIFF ni nada.
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Antiguo 31-10-2003
omy omy is offline
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omy Va por buen camino
Descendents, me marca un error en tiempo de diseño, no puedo ligarlos, cierto no es compatible, solo acepta los que tu comentastes.

mi idea era meter el contenido de el campo foto a un dbedit despues igualar un objeto ole al dbedit pero no puedo...
omar velazquez
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Antiguo 31-10-2003
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marcoszorrilla marcoszorrilla is offline
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marcoszorrilla Va por buen camino
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Pictures inside a database
Page 4: Seeking the start of Jpeg in the BLOB.
More of this Feature
• Page 1: BLOBs in Access
• Page 2: DBImage.NOT
• Page 3: Streaming JPG
• Page 5: Project's Code

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OLE object type format - take three!
All this leaves us with nothing but to store the picture to a disk (as an ordinary binary file) and see what's inside it.
One nice thing with picture files (formats) is that all have some header that uniquely identifies the image. The JPG picture file starts with the, so called, SOI marker that has the value of $FFD8 hex.

This next line of code stores the value of the Picture field to a file (BlobImage.dat) in the working directory. Assign this code in the OnCreate event for the form, start the project and remove the code.


Once we have the file, we can use some Hex editor to see it's content.

Jpeg as OLE object binary file

Would you believe this! MS Access stores the path of a linked OLE object as part of the object's definition in the OLE object field. Because the definition of OLE object storage is not documented (!? this is straight from MS) there is no way to know what gets written before the actual image data.

Think about this twice. First: we'll need to seek to the 'FFD8' and read the image from there. Second, the 'FFD8' might not always be at the same position in the file. Conclusion: we need a function that returns the position of the SOI marker for the JPG file stored as OLE object in an Access database.

The correct way - take four!
Provided with the Blob type field our function should return the position of the 'FFD8' string inside the ADOBlobStream. The ReadBuffer reads byte by byte from the stream. Each call to ReadBuffer moves the position of the stream by one. When two bytes together (as hex values) result in SOI marker the function returns the stream position. This is the function:

function JpegStartsInBlob
 bS     : TADOBlobStream;
 buffer : Word;
 hx     : string;
 Result := -1;
 bS := TADOBlobStream.Create(PicField, bmRead);
  while (Result = -1) and
        (bS.Position + 1 < bS.Size) do
   bS.ReadBuffer(buffer, 1);
   hx:=IntToHex(buffer, 2);
   if hx = 'FF' then begin
     bS.ReadBuffer(buffer, 1);
     hx:=IntToHex(buffer, 2);
     if hx = 'D8' then Result := bS.Position - 2
     else if hx = 'FF' then
      	bS.Position := bS.Position-1;
   end; //if
  end; //while
 end;  //try

Once we have the position of the SOI marker we use it to seek to it in the ADOBlob stream.

uses jpeg;
procedure TForm1.btnShowImageClick(Sender: TObject);
  bS  : TADOBlobStream;
  Pic : TJpegImage;
  bS := TADOBlobStream.Create
        (AdoTable1Picture, bmRead);
Un saludo.
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Antiguo 05-11-2003
omy omy is offline
Registrado: ago 2003
Ubicación: Acapulco gro.
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omy Va por buen camino
gracias, ya casi entendi todo el codigo, pero tengo problemas..

procedure TForm1.btnShowImageClick(Sender: TObject);
bS : TADOBlobStream;
Pic : TJpegImage;
----(1) AdoTable1Picture : TBlobField; -----
---(2) bS := TADOBlobStream.Create (AdoTable1Picture, bmRead);

(1) creo el objeto TBlobField
(2)Cuando quiere leer el objeto me marca error con la bd de access

Access violation at address 004A09AD in module ' Project1.exe' Read of adress 0000009D

¿Puede ser el motor de con la que galo access, uso el Jet 4?
omar velazquez
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