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Antiguo 29-01-2013
joancmb joancmb is offline
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joancmb Va por buen camino
Suma del valores de radiogroupbutton

Buenos días a todos/as,
Estoy realizando una pequeña aplicación con una serie de radiogroupbutton, a los cuales les asigno un valor y necesito que el valor total de la suma de todos los valores de los radiogroupbutton aparesca en un tdedit, el caso es que no consiguo que me realice la suma, alguien se le ocurre como se podria realizar la suma.
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Antiguo 29-01-2013
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jafera jafera is offline
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jafera Va por buen camino
Puedes poner algo del código para ver lo que haces?

Los radiogroup tienen la propiedad onclick, que creo puedes usar para ver que itemindex has pulsado y desde ahí darle un valor.


Código Delphi [-]
if dbradiogroup.itemindex=0 then
            Showmesage('Has pulsado el primer boton');

Espero te oriente

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Antiguo 29-01-2013
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Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
¿Valores de un radiogroup?
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Antiguo 29-01-2013
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ecfisa ecfisa is offline
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ecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to beholdecfisa is a splendid one to behold
Hola joancmb.

Supongo que te refieres a un TRadioGroup, has escrito números en los strings de la propiedad Items y queres obtener la sumatoria.

Si es así, podrias hacer:
Código Delphi [-]
function SumarItemsRG(RG: TRadioGroup): Double;
  i: Integer;
   Result:= 0;
   for i:= 0 to RG.Items.Count-1 do
     Result:= Result + StrToFloat(RG.Items[i]);

LLamada ejemplo:
Código Delphi [-]
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Caption:= FloatToStr(SumarItemsRG(RadioGroup1));
Usé Double por que no sé que tipo estas empleando, pero si son valores enteros, puedes cambiar el tipo de retorno en la función SumarItemsRG.

Daniel Didriksen

Guía de estilo - Uso de las etiquetas - La otra guía de estilo ....
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Antiguo 18-03-2013
joancmb joancmb is offline
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joancmb Va por buen camino
Is not a valid integer value

Buenos días,
Estoy realizando una pequeña aplicación con una serie de radio button los cuales tienen un valor númerico i el resultado sale reflejado en un text, el codigo que utilizo es el siguiente:

Código Delphi [-]
unit eqt;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.Imaging.jpeg, Vcl.ExtCtrls,
  Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.DBCtrls, Vcl.Mask;

  TForm12 = class(TForm)
    Label2: TLabel;
    logo: TImage;
    Label7: TLabel;
    DBRadioGroup1: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup2: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup3: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup4: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup5: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup6: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup7: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup8: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup9: TDBRadioGroup;
    Label1: TLabel;
    DBEdit1: TDBEdit;
    Button1: TButton;
    Button2: TButton;
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup1Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup2Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup3Change(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form12: TForm12;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm12.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup1Change(Sender: TObject);
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := string(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + string(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value);
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(TryStrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + 
  //  StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value)+ 
  //  StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value));

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup2Change(Sender: TObject);
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value));

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup3Change(Sender: TObject);
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value));


Y cada vez que escojo un radio button me sale el siguiente mensaje: '''' is not valid integer value, en cambio me realiza la suma bien y el resultado aparece en el text, alguién se le ocurre que es lo que esta fallando.


Última edición por Casimiro Notevi fecha: 18-03-2013 a las 13:13:22.
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Antiguo 18-03-2013
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Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
Que en todos estás añadiendo un strtoint que no sirve porque ya es un integer
Código Delphi [-]
Sobra ese strtoint, ya que ese Value es un integer
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Antiguo 18-03-2013
Avatar de Al González
[Al González] Al González is offline
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Al González Es un diamante en brutoAl González Es un diamante en brutoAl González Es un diamante en brutoAl González Es un diamante en bruto
Más bien parece que esos form12.DBRadioGroupN.Value a veces son cadena vacía (''), y por eso te marca error la función StrToInt.

Si quieres convertir a entero una cadena que podría no representar un entero, puedes apoyarte en la función TryStrToInt (no sin modificar un poco tu código).
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Antiguo 19-03-2013
joancmb joancmb is offline
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joancmb Va por buen camino
Buenos días,
Realice un showmessage de los diferentes radio button i todos devuelven un numero, ninguno de ellos devuelve una cadena en blanco.

Si quito los StrToInt
Código Delphi [-]
form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;
no se realiza la suma de los valores de los radio buttons, es decir, si escojo a tres radio button que su suma vale 5, así como pongo la instrucción de arriba el resultado es 122, no los suma los concatena.

No lo entiendo.

Se le ocurre a alguien alguna cosa.

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Antiguo 19-03-2013
Avatar de Casimiro Notevi
Casimiro Notevi Casimiro Notevi is offline
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Casimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacularCasimiro Notevi Tiene un aura espectacular
Cierto, .Value es un string, debes hacer el StrToInt.
El problema es el que te indica Al González, algún TDBRadioGroup no tiene asignado nada, por lo tanto es una cadena vacía.
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Antiguo 19-03-2013
joancmb joancmb is offline
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joancmb Va por buen camino
Hola a todos y gracias por vuestra ayuda, aquí dejo la solución que he aplicado:
Código Delphi [-]
unit eqt;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.Imaging.jpeg, Vcl.ExtCtrls,
  Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.DBCtrls, Vcl.Mask, Unit2;

  TForm12 = class(TForm)
    Label2: TLabel;
    logo: TImage;
    Label7: TLabel;
    DBRadioGroup1: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup2: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup3: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup4: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup5: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup6: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup7: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup8: TDBRadioGroup;
    DBRadioGroup9: TDBRadioGroup;
    Label1: TLabel;
    DBEdit1: TDBEdit;
    Button1: TButton;
    Button2: TButton;
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup1Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup2Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup3Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup4Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup5Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup6Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup7Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup8Change(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DBRadioGroup9Change(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form12: TForm12;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm12.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup1Change(Sender: TObject);
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := string(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + string(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value);
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(TryStrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value));
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
      form12.DBEdit1.Text := inttostr(strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + strtoint(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));


procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup2Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
 // form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup3Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup4Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup5Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup6Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup7Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup8Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;

procedure TForm12.DBRadioGroup9Change(Sender: TObject);
  if (form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value <> '')and (form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value <> '') and (form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value <> '') then
  form12.DBEdit1.Text := IntToStr(StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup9.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup5.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup6.Value)+ StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup7.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup8.Value) + StrToInt(form12.DBRadioGroup4.Value));
  //form12.DBEdit1.Text := form12.DBRadioGroup1.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup2.Value + form12.DBRadioGroup3.Value;


Gracias por vuestra ayuda.
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